Sandra Kahn, DDS, MSD

Sandra Kahn, DDS, MSD from University of the Pacific, served on craniofacial teams at UCSF and Stanford. Graduate work in physical anthropology at UC Berkeley, in human craniofacial growth and development. Author of Let's Face it - a guide to your child's optimal health, facial and dental development; GOPex - Good Oral Posture Exercises…- Your guide to being healthier, growing stronger and having straighter teeth; and Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic. Translated Mew's, The Cause and Cure of Malocclusion. Developer of the Khn-Bow, the only bimaxillary protraction device and the Forwardontic Vacuum Activator. A Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics practicing Forwardontics exclusively. She is currently coauthoring the books NOse about nasal function and Nitric Oxide with Ehrlich and Rangel; and Biofunctional Breathing with Enelke. Her scientific publications include peer reviewed journals in anthropology, otorhinolaryngology and recently BioScience.