Bernice Ko, DDS

Dr. Bernice Ko received her DDS and her postgraduatetraining in Hospital Dentistry and Endodontics atUCLA. Dr. Ko is a Diplomate of the American Boardof Endodontics and is the Assistant Director of theUCLA AEGD (Advanced Educationin General Dentistry). She was aClinical Educator with the Section ofEndodontics, Special Patient Careand AEGD at UCLA. Dr. Ko wasthe former Director of the UCLAPostdoctoral Endodontics Programand was the Course Director of theUCLA Endodontic Continuum Lectureand Hands-on Workshop.Dr. Ko is a paid consultant for KaVo Kerr. The opinionsexpressed in this course are those of Dr. Ko.KaVo Kerr is a medical device manufacturer and doesnot dispense medical advice. Clinicians should use theirown professional judgement in treating their patients.